Baby Week

The story of Baby Week

Baby Week is a registered organisation founded in Leeds, inspired by Brazil's ‘Semano do Bebe'. Leeds held the UK's first Baby Week back in 2016, and Child Friendly Leeds have worked with charity since the beginning.

Baby Week takes place each year from the 14 to 20 November and celebrates the work of maternity, health and early years services. The aim is to bring people together with a shared goal, and raise awareness of the importance of the early years and the first 1001 days.

Since 2016, hundreds of free or low-cost Baby Week events have been hosted across Leeds, attended by thousands of parents, expectant parents, and professionals.

Other cities have been inspired by Leeds with other locations, such as Calderdale and Bradford, joining Baby Week for the first time in 2023. In 2024, more locations joined meaning Baby Weeks now take place in 12 locations, including Hull and Nottinghamshire.

Baby Week UK – It all starts with a baby step

Baby Week 2023

The 2023 theme for Baby Week was ‘Culture and Identity’. Find out more about some of the key highlights:

Baby Week Grand Opening

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Baby Week 2024

The 2024 theme for Baby Week was 'Promoting the Best Start'.


Want to work with us on the next Baby Week initiative or host your own Baby Week in another city? Get in touch at