Play Enabling Grant

How wonderful in this day and age of greed, grab what you can, line your pockets, I’m alright jack…There are some people out there giving back…free activities! Wow...take advantage of this...and appreciate the beautiful park
- Caregiver of child attending Play Enabling Grant project

The Play Enabling Grant (PEG) is funding for the voluntary or community sector, and is designed to increase opportunities to play across Leeds. It is secured through an application process and supports children 0-18years.

What is the Play Enabling grant?

This grant is awarded to creative, engaging and enthusiastic organisations who can deliver inclusive, accessible and diverse play opportunities for children and young people in Leeds. 

Please be aware that the Play Enabling Grant has been paused for the 2025/2026 financial year.

The purpose of this grant is to provide high quality, rich and meaningful opportunities to play across the Leeds. This is done with a particular focus on reaching areas where current access to play may be limited. The Play Enabling Grant aims to improve the time and space for play and is informed from local Play Sufficiency research. 

The applications are considered by members of the Child Friendly Leeds team, Children and Families Commissioning, and representation from valid stakeholders. This ensures the process is fair, equitable and meets the needs of children, young people and their local communities. 

The following priorities for awarding the grants have been identified:

  • Play projects that benefit children, young people and families experiencing the impact of poverty;
  • Applicants who have shown a local need for the play provision and/or where play provision may be limited;
  • Organisations who can creatively demonstrate impact and outcomes for children and young people accessing their provision.

There are many valid outcomes that come from children playing. These are not limited to, but include: 

  • Joy, pleasure and fun
  • The forming and strengthening of friendships
  • Building community spirit
  • The enjoyment and use of community spaces
  • Adventure, risk-taking and new challenges 

Play Enabling Grant 2024/5

The Play Enabling Grant was awarded to the following organisations:

Armley Action Team

Chapeltown CMC Playscheme


Meanwood Junior Playscheme

Mafwa Theatre

Kirkstall Valley Development Trust

TCV Skelton Grange


Yorkshire Contemporary 

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